Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Whats your opinion on Jermaine Jackson and others ?

Jermaine, truly loved his brother, and he did frequently stand up for Michael, I know that it hurts him that Michael left this earth without many deserved apologies, and he wants people to remember his brother for what he was the King Of Pop.. As far as Tatiana, I am not familiar with her personally but I'm sure just like many others who met Michael or knew him, they feel a great space of loss, perhaps maybe even some guilt...that is something to think about. I'm sure that the tribute concert will be worldwide....I myself want to see the movie that they're supposed to be coming out with in October "this is it" rehearsal

Is it true that 95% of PS3 owners bought one for the blu-ray player?

My friend, in my homeroom cl, said 95% of PS3 owners only got a PS3 for its blu-ray player. Is that true? By the way, he is a big 360 fanboy.


There have been encounters like this before but (and I believe VERY strongly in aliens, ect) I think it was your imagination. This is because unless you can prove it no one will believe you.

Just the dumplings??

Fast, simple, really good. Take canned biscuits, dust with flour, roll out slightly and cut to desired size. Drop in broth and there you go.

Howcome it isn't being reported that Turkmenistan has cut off all Gas supplies to Iran causing them a crisis

Isn't it Ironic that the second largest Oil producing country,Can't refine their own Fuel.Sounds Familiar doesn't it.The reason they haven't built any refineries is Government mis-management and corruption,leading to sanctions.I don't feel bad for them .Its just very familiar to see a Government that has a huge Reserve not building refineries when the chances of a cut-off could potentially cripple the Country.What a mess these Greedy Oil Mungers of the World have created by not converting to an alternate, safer , Cleaner,Cheaper Fuel source.

Will somebody rate my rap?

your flow is going to be wayyyyy off, that's the problem, once you can write it over a beat, it'll work

Find the limiting reagent and what is the m of the precipitate produced?

I have 2 g of lead(II)nitrate and 2 g of potium iodide and i will react them ...find the limiting reagent and what is the m of the precipitate produced? thank you

Fantasy football: who should i start in week 3, marshawn lynch or michael turner?

who will have the better game, lynch against oakland's running D, or turner against the chief's runnind D?

Need a new 360 game.?

i think you already got all the good ones, the only one i did not see up there was army of 2 which is pretty good

How would I do this question regarding pH?

Lets say you had 45g of a substance into 100mL of distilled water. After you add 200mL of another substance to the solution. How would i do this step by step to calculate the pH of the whole thing/solution?

When do the events of Red vs. Blue take place?

In one of the first episodes, Grif or Simmons mentions the Master Chief "taking out the whole Covenant Armada", which means it probably takes place during or after the events of the Halo series. Later, they are all sent several hundred years into future by an explosion. I would like to know when both parts of the series take place.

Why is Obama is spending 150 million dollars on his "party" today?

I just found this out. 150 million dollars of YOUR taxpayer money is going to fund this 1 day party. The worlds most expensive party ever held. Is this the "Change" we are getting? The economy is in the toilet, millions of people have lost their homes and Obama is spending 150 million dollars for his inauguration party. I mean just a few years ago democrats were complaining about Bush's 40 million dollar inauguration party and they havent said 1 word about this money being spent. I mean...he hasnt even done anything yet and he is spending 150 million of OUR hard earned taxpayer dollars on a party thats going to leave a huge carbon footprint. I mean, wouldnt it be better if he was in office for 4 years, see if he does a good job, THEN throw him a party if he did well. Can you imagine any other job where the day you start work, the whole company shuts down to throw you the most expensive party the world has ever known? There are none! Its riduculous. How much of that money could have been used to feed the poor? Couldnt he have had a 50 million dollar party and fed 10s of millions of poor in other countries? NOPE...he had to go get himself a bunch of celebrities to sing and dance for him on his first day of work. He had to buy streamers and noise makers so you people could feel good about yourselves. Is this the "Change" we needed?

My predictions on nfl 2010 season(before season started)?

That wasn't a question and those predictions are awful. Every prediction you made for the AFC is awful. And no, I am not being biased.

I want to make a short film w/ my friends. Easy. Just opinion. 10 points! help?

Well, in order for you to do a video, you have to have an idea and you do have one. I have seen things somewhat similar in idea but the idea is actually not bad, especially since I'm a musician (not professionally but I play music) and that idea appeals to me. I'd say go for it.

How does one get over their bigotry against Christians?

I am an admitted bigot when it comes to Christians. I want to accept everyone, but I feel naturally distrustful and loathing around Christians because of past experiences. I've been attacked and persecuted by Christians on many occasions. But I want to preach tolerance and live in a world where Christians and Pagans and people of all faiths and philosophies can work together. How can I begin to overcome this bigotry??

Who else thinks Colombia should invade Ecuador?

No body wants armed conflict, that men should die. Tho Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru and bolivia seem to think that the delincuentes communes seem to want to cause chaos in Colombia, perhaps to steal her borders. Venezuela is the most militarily advanced country in S A, Colombia may have heart but to fight four nations is not smart who dies south americans.

Does overclocking cpu effect gpu?

I wouldn't try pushing it to 2.4 unless you really know what your doing, 2.0 however is reasonable and with good cooling should work well without effecting your graphics, If your graphics do get scrambled or mixed up then you have most likely gone to high with it. Good luck

Which English Colony was the most successful?

I'm researching early American History and i wanted to know which colony was the most successful based on economic status, leadership, and religious affiliations. The colonies do not include the french or spanish colonies. I'm looking more between the 13 colonies that broke off from Great Britain. Details would be very much appreciated!! Thank You :)

Do you believe that The Great Seal Of England should be shared with Her Majesty's Ministers or Her alone?

The Great Seal of the Realm is the chief seal of the Crown, used to show the monarch's approval of important State doents.In today's constitutional monarchy, the Sovereign acts on the advice of the Government of the day, but the seal remains an important symbol of the Sovereign's role as Head of State.The practice of using this seal began in the reign of Edward the Confessor in the eleventh century, when a double-sided metal matrix with an image of the Sovereign was used to make an impression in wax for attachment by ribbon or cord to Royal doents.The seal meant that the monarch did not need to sign every official doent in person; authorisation could be carried out instead by an appointed officer. In centuries when few people could read or write, the seal provided a pictorial expression of Royal approval which all could understand...God save Our Sovereign...

My 2004 cavalier back brakes make a groaning creaking sound?

when i was driving today, i noticed that my brakes made a groaning and creaking type noise when i braked quickly but steadily (i didnt slam on the brakes, the light turned yellow and i started to brake going about 40 mph). i just had my back brakes done not even a year ago (august of last summer). i had a wheel cylinder, 2 brake drums, and brake shoes replaced. does anyone know what it could be?

I need a working link for a Final Fantasy advent children complete and in english not eng subs eng language?

Do you have uTorrent? if you have, you can go to and search for Advent Children Complete....I think I saw an English version there....

Is Obama a hunk or cool...Why does the media report this stuff?

Because a thrill runs up and down Matt Lauer's leg whenever he sees Obama. I won't say who else in the media gets thrills and where those thrills run for fear of having my answer removed but I'm sure he's not alone.

Conservation of asian elephants working?

The main international agreement in support of asian elephant conservation is the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Asian elephants (and most African elephants, with a few controversial exceptions) are listed under Appendix I of CITES which means all international trade in ivory or other elephant parts is forbidden. This is very important as it is international trade (mostly to China and Japan) which has been one of the main factors in driving this species to their current endangered state. However populations of Asian elephants continue to fall, in part due to poaching and illegal trade in ivory (China in particular is the epicentre of the global illegal ivory market) and in part due to dwindling habitat and increased competition with humans.

What do you think about Miley & Mandy show?

I think it's not that good, I actually think it's pretty stupid. Don't say I'm jealous, because I'm not, I just think Miley could do a little better. Sorry Miles!

Christians does it trouble you when you see others using calculated pseudo scientific falsehoods to (cont)?

support their interpretation of the bible. & if you know what they are saying is incorrect or misguided why don't you speak up ?

Are there innocent people in the world?

How would you personally define innocence?Is it that nobody is really innocent because everybody sins and that we are imperfect? Or are there innocent people even though there is so much evil? How would one determine innocence in another one?

Mom asking for "" for her birthday?

So my mom's birthday is soon, i heard her say that she wants a jacket to wear to work and to cover up from the cold. I'm uming something cly and nice. We are a very strict christian family and do not support fur coats and such. My problem is im a guy and i don't know whats "fashionable" at the moment for ladies age 40 and up. I know plenty people wear those ugg boots but i think she already has a pair. I overheard a conversation when she was talking to my dad about getting "" but i have no clue what it is and my dad for some reason laughed and said he couldn't help her.. i didnt ask her what it was because i want to surprise her with it if i can afford it, im guessing its some kind of high-priced high-cl coat?

Where can i find the oj simpson murder recreation?

I remember during the trial hearing about a computer animated movie or cartoon or recreation that was made and showed to the jurors. I ahve looked on the net but can't find it. Is it out there? has there been more than one made?

Do I need to buy new tires if i get alloy wheels?

not if the rims are the same size as the rims youre replacing, just keep the tires on the left on the left and right with the right so that the car wont "pull" left or right

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Movies??? GOOD ones? need help fast plz!?

spider-man movies lots of action, hook a movie verson of peter pan, it has robin williams in, but it is a kids movie,:D,the spiderwik chronicls, bridge to teribithea,it's a cind of sad at the end but very much a fantasy, the hobbit,it is a cartoon and they also if you can find them have a version of the lord of the rings trilogy as a cartoon for kids, aleis in wonder land, journey to the center of the earth. hope i helped

Wheater proof Tree ornaments.?

I need to find a way to create weatherproof tree ornaments to have them hanging on an outside tree all year round. It should be possible to have people write names on them with waterproof pens just before they hang them on the tree. Does anybody know what material I could use ? I have 2 weeks to fulfill that task.

I want better he cant do it?

So I guess I asked my question wrong last time. I am a small girl 5 ft 100 obs work out atlest 5 times a week. I used to be more confident but I met this guy who doesn't rlly bring it out in me. When we have he gets off a few times and I rarely do. How can I boost my self confidence a little so I can feel y to (its nothing about my ) I know I'm in shape and tight.. how can I get better from him or have better with him so it feels better for me. I love to be in control how do I feel y enough to be though please hlp he doesn't even make me squirt

What is the difference between a billete and a boleto?

I have to define each in english and find a spanish synonym for each as well. Are they synonyms for eachother, or do they each refer to a different kind of ticket?

Really cool ideas for brochures?

I'm doing a brochure on aids for my health cl. It's for a lot of points and she said to be creative. Any ideas? I can shape the brochure differently and glue whatever to it. I was thinking about including how many deaths aids has done (25 million) any suggestions? Thank you!

Should i invite him to my birthday party i really like him alot...?

well i mean if u r giving everyone else coming to ur party an invitation then just give him one too, it wont be any different than everyone else therefore not pointing out anything.

How do Vans clic slip-on shoes run in size?

i have had a few pairs of vans slip-on and they run about the same as nike. but when you first get them you want them to fit snug, because they stretch out a lot.

Names that go good with?

Olivia... my sister just found out shes having a girl and her and her husband already decided on Olivi abut ar ento sur ewhat middle names would be cute.... and if they absolutly cant find anything they will use it as a middle name instead of a frirst name so if you could think of any that goes with it pretty good... also will you say if it is ment to be as a 1st name or a middle name.... oh and do you like the name its ok if you dotn i wont be offended and my sister wont read it so yeah go ahead voisce your opiion

Can a co-signer kick you out?

If I have a co-signer on an apartment, and they don't live with me, do they have the power to kick me out of that apartment on the grounds they are pissed at me?

Can you help me with my fantasy baseball team? im in 3rd place?

Ryan Howard is killing you in K's right now! You do need pitching too. Start Hunter Pence instead of Willy Taveras.

Xpress Mail on a SAMSUNG BLACKJACK....?

yeah, um, can u use xpress mail on a at&t cingular samsung Blackjack if internet explorer isnt in ur plan???? cause i really want to use xpress mail but i cant extend my plan. please let me know bcause i dont want to face any extra fees added to my account. thanks!!

Catch Me If You Can (Movie) Questions?

yes because he changed the amounts and numbers, so when the found out that there were false cheques in the circuit all the had to do is follow his steps

Solubility Questions?

for every solubility there goes this rule likes dissolves like i.e only polar compounds dissolves polar ones since NaCl is Polar and Water is polar then they are soluble same for others.


i hate to not give you a good answer but that stuff is really easy and you should be able to do it in no time flat if you just go over your notes in cl

We bought a piece of property with a manufactured home on it but never received a title at closing.?

When we asked about the title later it was then given to us but without the right sellers name on it (previous owners). I had to take the title myself, find the original owners and get their signatures, then take it and get the name changed on it in which it was put in my name. However, when we closed on the property(the actual loan) it was only put in my spouse's name. Can a mortgage company foreclose on a home that was sold under false pretenses. We bought the home from one person who technically did not own the home......Ugg please, help!

Help with Chemical Engineering?

Hello I have a chemical I would like to reverse engineer change a little bit and remarket at a competitive price. How should I go about this? Are there any good fairly inexpensive companys or freelancers out there that could do this?

If there are 2 companies with the same name and one has a trademark, can I not write my name anywhere?

I started a company that is an LLC in GA which has the same name as an INC in CA, their name is trademarked. Can I not write my name anywhere? Can I not have my name written on my own website?

List of female biual celebrities?

A lot of them probably just say they are because it's fashionable. Most of the women on that list would sleep with anyone or anything to get some attention.

What does this dream mean about my Dad?

Your just having a dream about your dad. When my dad died, the night after, I had a dream that he had a brother named Marty that I never met. Dreams don't really mean anything. Sorry.

BFgot me hamster for xmas/ bd on xmas.I bought him$100shoes.He never has money to pay.Whatdo i do?

He spends money on himself buying clothes. The hamster did not come with a cage or food. That cost me extra to buy for the hamster

Monday, August 15, 2011

Will California learn their lesson that raising taxes will draw businesses away from the State?

Amazon just ended its deal with 25,000 Californian companies. So long delivery drivers, order takers, packers, school book prices, employers, and the thousands of jobs. When will they learn that raising taxes isn't good. Explains why I get about 5% of Misc tax added on sales taxes on hotel bills each time I go on business to San Jose, I bet it will be 10% soon to cover for this mistake.

FIFA world cup???!!!?

Didn't you get annoyed by all those espn promos this wc like there's atleast 20 of them haha...also those u2 videos at every commercial brake lol??

Need Student Visa to Canada URGENTLY ! What to do?

I applied for my study permit on the 2nd of august at the Canadian emby in Abu Dhabi, I live in Kuwait and have Pakistani nationality. I still have no reply, i really need the student visa quickly, my cles start on the 9th of September.

Who are the top three teams this year in the afc and nfc?

afc 1 new england 2 indy 3 baltimore nfc 1 new orleans 2 san fran 3 dallas afc wins the superbowl again in a blow out

I Cant remember what this one word is...?

It starts with an M and its a synonym for gross, disturbing, etc. (like in a blood and guts way.) i was talking to my friend who has a red black and white panda and I said it was a bloody panda and he said "thats really M..... But i cant remember that word! 10 points to the first person who gets it right... Oh and its like... A word that people with an extensive vocabulary often use to discribe things like that.

How is it Saddam Husein could walk through crowds and our politicians must lock down cities while in public?

Was Saddam the dictator more loved or are our politicians cowards and in fear of the American people?

Eagles Wide Recievers 2010?

In 2010 free agency, two number one talent recievers could hit the market in Brandon Marshall and Braylon Edwards. I know the Eagles are packed at reciever position right now (Jackson, Curtis, Avant, Maclin, Baskett, Gibson) but should they get rid of a starting reciever to sign one of the two free agents and Who?

Crucnh Tater Potato Chips, where did they go?

My brother and I were obsessed with these BBQ chips called Crunch Taters when we were little, does anyone know if they are still around? They were really crunchy and had an alligator on the front of the bag...

Does Kevin Jonas sing?

I think I have heard him sing a few times. In SOS, Mandy and Year 3000. He sings "boy bands and another one and another one and another one" let me know if this is true.

I can't find any examples of Dramatic Irony or Paradoxes in the "Scarlet Letter". Can you please help me find?

dramatic irony in the scarlet letter is that the minister is the one who commited adultery, even though he was supposed to be a strict follower of God

I have the greasiest hair ever, is there anything i can do about it?

I used to wash my hair every day for years, now that i heard its not healthy i try to keep it 1 or 2 days more before washing it, but the last few days it gets greasy even before being fully dried and it seems to be falling out a bit... what type of doctor should i meet or what can i use to fix it? (i live in Colombia so not every shampoo will be available here)

I need help on buying something on ebay?

okay so i bought this side kick lx on ebay my debit card has 100 dollers and the sidekick cost 3 dollers and i payed it with paypal or want to am i supposed to scroll down the screen and click continue with paypal? and then it says put the debit card number then the csc my adress and then i click continue to verify and it takes me to this page that gives me the option to put in another card and it shows my card and how do i buy the side kick ?

Rides on maplestory?

i see people on maplestory riding on frekkin' little pumas and dragons. I asked them where i can get them and they said i cant cause i'm an archer. is there a animal thing i can ride on?

Jose Canseco claims a MLB Hall of Famer used steroids: Do you believe him?

It is hard not to believe him anymore.Wouldn't it be funny if it was George Brett and the pine tar incident was roid rage!I am sure there are some players we will never know about.1 former wrestler said he did steroids from 1965-1990.So they were around awhile.Are we souppose to believe that players just started doing them in the 90s?Pete Rose was knowen to hang with gym rats and look at the size of his head!Not accuseing but it is a possiblity!

Single mothers how long did take you to find love?

I 'm the mother of 3 children by 3 different men. Every last one of the father's were to put it mildly. I believe that I was infatuated with my last child's father gorgeous looks. He is a hot muscular hazel eyed, dimpled cuban man. I was so shocked when he took an interest in me. Especially, since he had no children and I already had two. I noticed he was in a rush to move in with me and my children. He stated he wanted to offer me stability and love for me and my children. I was so happy and over joyed. Five months later into the relationship I became pregnant. That's when the sh!t hit the fan. All his flaws started to surface, he was an alcoholic, addict and had no drivers license. We had an off again on again relationship through out the pregnancy. Then I contracted Tricniasis from him and he blamed it on me. We are no longer together now. He is living with the he cheated on me with. He doesn't take responsibility for his 3 month old son. His last words to me was who would want a broke single mother with 3 kids by 3 different men. Honestly I think he is right.

Are the Mavericks the highlight of jamaican mans daily life?

Anybody else notice this? I mean yeah its cool to see your favorite team win but is it really necessary to act like youre a member of the franchise?

Some questions about a potential future in hospice/homecare (A bit confused as to the difference...) nursing?

why you dont try to become a cna i work in a nursing home as a receptionist and here theres a lot of cna's they ist old people with bathing, foods...... or you could be a case manager they work with sick people and help them to be transfer to a nursing home, hospice , etc. and to become a cna you dont need to be out of highschool u can go to regular highschool and go to community college at the same time. good luck!!!

Is my crush trying to hide that he dosen't like me to the whole cl and his girlfriend?

So. he's been staring at me and following me and bumping into me. Lols. And well, he has a GF! -.- he's the same age as me(I think!?). And when his girlfriend is not there he starts following me and everything. And when his girlfriend IS there he starts starring at me a little bit and act like he dosen't like me, and when he puts his head down(while her girlfriend is doing her work) he's acctualey starring at me while his head is down(I mean like he starts putting his head down and peeks where I'm sitting lol). Then when his girlfriend is not there and the whole cl is not looking at us he starts starring at me alot more and bumps into me, follows me where ever I go.(Like if I'd went over to get a piece a paper, he will go sharpen his pencil.) And IDK(XD), but yesterday he asked me Ay, Let me get some. because he thought I had candy or chips, XD. and I think he tried getting my attention and when the whole cl starts laughing he starts to stare at me to check If Im laughing(HE EVEN FOLLOWS ME IN LINE WHEN HI GF IS NOT THERE BUT THATS WHAT HE DOES 2 HIS GF LOLOL) I just like him so much! So is there anyway that he is? and does he like me??? :o

What do you think of my fantasy baseball team?

I really like this team. I agree with a previous poster about Crosby being fairly useless, but the good news is you probably won't ever have to use him since you have Hanley. I would say the only 2 question marks I have are Pena and Zimmerman...but honestly the rest of your team is good enough that even if those 2 weren't that great you'd still be ok. I think Vernon Wells will have a really good year this year. Your starters are not very deep, but hopefully Peavy and Sabathia will be dominant enough that you don't need the others to be THAT good. Love the Closers!

My puppy has bronchitis please help?

i adopted a puppy about 2 1/2 weeks ago she ended up getting bronchitis at the vets office. Its been a little over a week and she was doing great, she never coughed and now tonight i have been up the past two hours watching her as the coughs non-stop. I thought maybe the cool air was worsening it so i turned the fan off and now shes doing better. Any tips for me shes still taking meds but i cant afford another vet. visit.

Discuss the symmetry of...?

"1" is symmetric just by virtue that you can switch the x and y and come up with the same function.

Free Printable Halloween Birthday Party Invitations?

you can kind of just make one on any program u like, and as i am doing one too, you can write information about ur party and then add images and decorate it then your done, but u can use this if u don't want to do one

When will Google Maps work in all South America?

Currently Google Maps gives car directions contiguously in almost all South America including Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay. But the northern part: Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela the service is not offered. Anyone knows why? Or when it will be offered?

What is the watergate scandal?

I know this sounds naive because it was obviously a big deal. but in regards to richard nixon, what exactly happened? (i'm not american)

In English, how do they differ; - shrivel, wilt & wither?

Shrivel is to dry out. It applies to things like raisins or skin (the way fingers get after being immersed in water for a long time). Wilting usually applies to plants that don't get enough water. Their leaves "wilt" and droop. Wither means to waste away or disintegrate. You would say that someone who is losing too much weight is "withering" away. These aren't dictionary definitions but hopefully it helps clear it up!

Her friends want me to ask her to prom? Is this legit?

ask her to lunch or something to hang out and see if you'd like her if you got to know her? and maybe tell her friends to stop being idiots..

Red Bull Arena, Harrison NJ?

Tampa Bay's new jersey (hockey) has a shoulder patch that actually says 'Tampa Bay Lightning Hockey Club' lol

"Is love in its true sense consciousness"?

Well anyone seen two doves on branch can easily say that there's something going on there, and they may/may not be conscious.

A Question About My Eating/Metabolism...?

So, I'm a 15 year old girl. I don't really exercise too often in an organized fashion. I do occasionally ride my bike, and I go up and down stairs at school. Other than that, I don't get too much exercise. I weigh around 110 lbs and I'm 5'5", which is a healthy weight - I'm also a petite person who doesn't generally gain too much weight. But, I've noticed something. I seem to have a sort of chronic constipation - my "excrement" is always hard and most of the times comes out in pebbles. It's normally very dark. Then, there are my eating habits. I eat like A PIG. I'm like a bottomless pit, I eat as much as a lot of my guy friends. To be honest, I seldom eat enough vegetables and fruits. I eat pretty badly, now that I think about it. I seem to drink a healthy amount of water...given all of this information, I want to know why I eat so much, never gain a pound, and have irregular bowels. I usually poop once every two days - occasionally the wait is a little bit longer. But...will someone just provide me with a few reasons why I could remain the same weight constantly and eat so much junk? I can't have a high metabolism since my bowels are irregular. In order to have a high metabolism, you would have to poop a lot too, right? I'm just confused. And no, it most likely can't be pregnancy. I'm always worried of a freak chance but my boyfriend and I have NEVER HAD . We've only done type things. So, unless his has been inside of my body, or if his sperm has been put near me (which it hasn't), I don't really think pregnancy can be considered a reason for all of this. Any suggestions are welcome, please don't be rude. Just in case anyone has anything to say about my boyfriend and I, we are very safe about everything. We are best friends, have been for almost two years. I wouldn't do anything with him if it wasn't a stable relationship. Like I said, any suggestions are welcome; please help me out! Thank you so much.

What does this dream mean spiritually?

Ok so I had a dream and in this dream I was walking down a woods path (kind of like a nature trail) and I came across a row of houses (without electricity) and in the first one on the left (looked like a cross one story cabin and a modern urban house) In the dream I had the idea that I was in search of my mom who had run away to this place and I went to the door and met her she told me she was eating some grains and special diet for three months because she was experiencing what Jesus experienced and she was not allowed for another month to enter modern society (at the top of the hill was an urban neighborhood) because she wanted to experience what Jesus experienced and that the "world" would not understand. I sensed a sadness and desperation in her voice. In my dream I felt like she had totally been lost and suckered in and in my dream I felt that Jesus existed but was evil (I don't believe in Jesus nor is my mom like this in real life though she is Christian) and was leading her to damnation but there was nothing I could do. So I turned back up the hill and looked back down from the "real world" where some other god (or gods was not sure in the dream) was being worshiped by many from what I sensed in my dream that was good.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I need help choosing an amp for my subs!!!!?

I agree soundstream is a good amp,but so is kicker just more costly but power accoustic also makes some good amps for a good price just dont buy their subs they sound good but dont last,and as far as pioneer subs go BLAH... never had any luck with em i blew them apart with a jensen amp thats all i need to say ( with a jensen 600 )LOL.LOL....HA.HA

Working for the CN railroad?

stick with bnsf (good luck 230 apps for each job on average) they will just kill your will to live rather than kill you like in Canada

Physics acceleration problem?

The brochure advertising a sports car states that the car can be moving at 100.0 km/h, and stop in 37.19 meters. What is its average acceleration during a stop from that velocity? Express your answer in m/s2. Consider the car's initial velocity to be a positive quantity.

Racial Profiling...a case for.....?

Seeing as the main perpetrators of terrorism are muslims, is it wrong for police, security, transit officials to scrutinize them more than the average person? If the 9/11 attacks had been planned and executed by 6'2'' blonds with blue eyes named Swen, wouldn't you be more weary of Swedes?

How well does the Atkins diet work?

My dad went on the atkins and he's lost quite a bit of weight. It works, just stick to it and don't cheat. Best of luck!

Who thinks that..?

The war between MCR fans and MCR haters should end now? it's annoying. i'm not for any side, but i think it's all just dumb.

What is the difference between Metaphase 1 and Metaphase 2 in meiosis?

The main difference lies with respect to the number of chromosomes and also in the manner of arrangement of chromosomes in the equator.There are two rows in the metaphse 1 and one row in the metaphase 2.

Selling Amigurumi (crochet) Patterns of copyrighted characters?

I saw a shop on Etsy and there was a pattern for 3 of the Disney Princesses for sale. Is that Legal? Doesn't Disney have all the rights to that? I saw another shop with a crocheted doll of The Joker. Isn't that illegal as well? I am curious because if it isn't I want to make a shop.

WHAT ARE THESE PAINS????????????????????????/…

Ok so i have been tryig for a baby for 3/4 months now. My general health is good and my fertility is good too. But i had a period which came on time this month 11thjuly and it lasted 2weeks now when i first came on i calculated my fertile days regardless of how long i bled i just stuck tto them dates, from then until now ive had slight pains like period pains coming and going throughout the day all day. not too painfull but its there and wont go away ive had these about two weeks not since around ovulation started maybe less, anyone had similar pains what are they they getting to me now plz give ur advice experience or opinions thanks

What to eat while you are working out and want to gain weight?

I started aerobic cles to strengthen my body. However, i don't wanna lose any weight because I am already underweight. I wanna gain about 4 to 5 kgs. what kind of food should I eat in order to help me reach my goal? I don't want to focus on high fat unhealthy kinds of food. I wanna be cellulite free when I gain it.

What sort of narrator is featured in "The Tell-Tale Heart"?

Is he objective? Reliable? How does Poe present the narrator's point of view to the reader? How does Robinson evaluate Poe's narrative effect?

Don't people who are obsessed with bodily functions seem somehow less.....evolved?

I mean, maybe the people asking fart questions are the missing link between apes and, like, Einstein.

Fact could be opinion?

Dont judge this question by the title please allow me some space to elaborate... Fact is nothing but a mojority belief. Sure laws are proven and whatnot, but what is the PROOF based on? At the time when numbers were invented [or the names for numbers were], 2+2=4... BUT if everyone at the time believed 2+2 should equal 5 or 20 or 22 thats the way it would be. Thus altering a vast majority of proven laws because of their opinion... So i believe fact is technically a widespread opinion. This isn't a question entirely just lookin for some educated responses...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Are there any content management systems for flash websites?

I am fairly new to web design. I can build a website and host it for it to be operational but it limits me to be the web manager to make any modifications/posts on the website. Are there any content management systems out there that I could apply to my website? Or do I have to purchase one that uses its own templates? I like the way I built my site and I haven't found anyone with templates that are even close to matching it. Since I am really new to web design I have no idea if there is any way to code a web management system for my website. What I am looking for is something where I could create accounts for Administrators and Moderators etc. I'd appreciate all the help I can get. I am really close to deadline and need it done ASAP!!

What song could be me and this guy i just met but i fell for him?

Ohk well i just met this guy named curtis like i have seen him before but never really talked to him until like a week ago.. and were kind of talking and i need help for a song! for us of course

Am I partally responsible for slavery?

Unless you were a slave owner and took a ride via time machine to 2008, you have no reason to feel any sort of guilt. Regret, yes, if your ancestors owned slaves, but that has nothing to do directly with you.

What are Funny Movies?

go to the theatre and watch Pineapple Express because the guy that made it is ociated with Superbad, Knocked Up <- amazing, 40 year old virgin. so my point is get into movies where the man Judd Apatow is ociated with or the incredible Seth Rogen because you guaranteed will get the same flow of comedy as superbad and knocked up and 40 year old virgin.

Is this a good chapter that will have the reader wanting more?

No, it looks as if you're trying too hard and this isn't my type of story either but who knows? Maybe others will find it irresistible. I would watch out for all those simple but vital errors you made.

My friend just told she's ! Should I end our friendship?!?

Ok, this is simple, she's your friend, she told you something about herself because she thought that she could trust you, and if you end your friendship than you're pretty much showing her and everyone else how untrustworthy you really are. It doesn't matter that she's a , so what? And about her grabbing your hand, Im a and my guy friends do that to me all the time, and so do my friends that are girls. Girls just do stuff like that because they're more affectionate and "touchy-feely" than guys, not because they have a crush on you. If she was a guy friend telling you that he was gay, would it bother you this much, also? This question was childish, but thats ok cuz you're only a freshmen. In a few years, after being submerged completely into high school and the mix of people there, you'll probably see things differently.

My parents talk about me behind my back and it hurts..?

i know how you feel my parents are the same way and im only 17 they were so bad with that kind of stuff that i moved out and now live with one of my friends and her parents... the best thing u can do is jus try and stay out of those type of bad situations

If you are a session guitarist, can you get away with just reading the chords written down and not the notes?

Hate to disappoint you, Ollie, but no. That would be the equivalent of trying to get into Harvard with only oral skills. Unless you're an internationally famous pop star with tons of $$$$, in which case you'd hire arrangers, you need to know how to read music very well if you want that kind of gig.

Making the first move with a guy via email?!?

okay tell me if you think this would be stalkerish: Sunday night some girlfriends and I were at a sportsbar watching a football game. I noticed this cute boy. Every time I looked in his direction we met eyes. He was very cute, and I think he thought I was too. We were eye flirting! He was with another guy and an older man and (due to their attire) I deduced that they were all somehow related to the local university athletics dept. He also didn't have a wedding ring on. Then they all left at the same time. Yesterday I looked on the university athletics dept web site and found the guy! I want to email him. Should I? Is that weird? What would I say! What if he has a girlfriend! Ha ha. Guys what would you think if you were on the receiving end of that email?

Girlfriend problems. Can you guys comment please?Thanks. I don't get what I should do. My girlfriend and I

have been going out for over 8 months and we don't get to see each other much any more, perhaps 1-2 times a week because of uni work, she has alot of work. But when we do, I feel like it's only cos she doesn't want to deal with me making a fuss (I'm the one usually asking if I can come over and the sought). I've recently brang it up with her and she said, she doesn't care if she doesn't get to see me or not, and only misses me sometimes, and that's a part of her personality. She's completely honest with me (incase you guys think she might be lying), straightforward and doesn't care what other people think. The thing is I love her.. and she loves me and she said that she cares about me and another part of her personality is that she doesn't care about alot of things and it scares me. But I miss her like crazy, and I DO care that I don't get to see her, cause it hurts you know? I dont understand it, I dont get what I'm suppose to do? Am I just suppose to accept it and not care?

What are some excellent young adult romance novels?

Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia and Margret Stohl. It's really good, but I don't know if it's on your list I don't have time to read it all.

Can someone identify what animal this print is from?

Looks to be a dog or some sort of canine print. I think I can see claw marks. Cats have retractable claws. Also, cats have a very soft footfall. They rarely leave deep tracks.

Rate my fantasy team for week 2?

You have a great team, but starting two wide recievers on the same team is risky. you might want to reconsider that decision. Roddy White is not bad by any means.

Is it safe to send my child to a Catholic school or should I home school instead?

I was shocked by the revelations of the widespread nature of Catholic priests ually abusing the children in their charge. I was wondering if the Catholic church has its house in order now and if it was safe to send my child to Catholic school, or whether I should consider home schooling instead. I am a Catholic living in New England.

HELP! I'm going to be a host soon, any ideas how?

I need an answer by tomorrow. I'm going to be a host in front of around 80 people with my homeroom teacher.

1989 ford probe issues?

hello, my name is alex and i have an 89 probe 2.2L fuel injected and when i go to start the car i can only pop up the headlights to the car, but when i try to start it it wont start, and there is no power at all inside the car just the headlights? what can cause this problem? tried to replace the, starter, that was good, and then i went to the alrtornater, found that a couple ground wires were out and live, so i went to the junkyard and got a new one, after that i had found that my alternator belt was not where it was supposed to be, it actually came off during the time, so i put a new one on

What are some books similar to...?

The Gargoyle, Andrew Davidson. One of the most brilliant novels I have ever read-- with a very unique, truthful historical tie in. You should read it. It is amazing.

Why do ppl find it so shocking that the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) had 12 wives?

It is not shocking that Prophet Mohammed had13 wives. But it is not normal why he married a 9 year old Girl named Ayesha and his adopted son's wife called Zainab. There were no political reasons behinds these 2 marriages. Prophet married other women when his first wife Khadija died.

Can someone sue for slander even if the gossip people are saying about them is true?

No. If the gossip is factually correct, then there can be no case for slander. However, depending on the nature of the gossip, it could in some situations be deemed a form of ual harment.

Nixon Watch in cold water?

I'm gonna buy a nixon watch and was wondering if i could wear it in the winter surf in machusetts. also would it still know the tides?

Does the US practice electoral college?

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How to do the calculation? ?

uming that a skittle has a m of about 1 gram, it would take about 100 moles of skittle to equal the m of the moon . So in comparison with the earths oceans; 1 mole of skittle would fill up the ocean, all of them, many times...... I'm confused somehow I need to prove it what I wrote with calculation ( it's chemistry)... Can someone help me out and please show the steps how you get it thanks.... :)

Joshua dionisio's first girlfriend (philippines)?

Listen, you air headed don't make us your detective here. If you're interested on this carabao find out for yourself.

Why does my propane gas barbecue put out an orange flame?

It is your regulator but don't worry, they don't cost too much. Regulators do wear out as the rubber gasket inside of them dry out. Also a few years back, some really poor quality regulators were on the market and were presenting a big problem but I think that issue had been solved.while you are working on it ,you should clean out your venturi tubes,valves,and orifices. They might have an obstruction like spider webs. Don't change the air shutters as they are preset at the factory.

Cat skid-steer wont turn over, but turns on?

It's a newer model. And it has had a battery problem where we would need to jump it every few days. But even if we apply direct power to the solenoid it still wont even turn over. I have a 200AMP jumping box and the danm thing wont even budge. we have never had this problem, what do you think?

If your hubby dosent want to be with you but your still live together, what you gonna do?

Your an idiot to stay and think it's actually going to work. Sorry, it's harsh but true. He's already cheated twice and you let him get away with it and now you say he doesn't want to be with you. The longer you stay, the less self esteem you'll eventually be left with.

Friday, August 12, 2011

How do you get a stain out of leather/suede?

I have two pairs of shoes that have gotten stains on them! HELP! They are practically new and I dont want to just toss them. Does anyone know how to get a stain out of leather or suede??? THANKS!

Charles Darwin/Natural Selection/Origin of Species related food?

Charles Darwin: "Survival of the Fittest" why not some fitness food and drinks, what do athletes eat?? :))

Need more than the usual "relationship" advice (interracial- Paki)?

Concentrate on how good if feels to be alive. No matter what. Just to see the color of the sky, just to smell the air, and feel the wind in your face...

When should I tell him I'm the mystery girl?

yes!!!!! IM him and say tomorrow i will tell you who i am at school and give like a time say... i am me and see what he says

Do you know any books as interesting as Dan Brown's books?

If you are looking for FACTS I suggest novels of Jules Verne.They have a lot of details and descriptions on geology.Journey to the Centre of the earth,Twenty thousand Leagues Under The Sea,Around the world in 80 Days etc. by him are all time bestsellers.Willard price is another writer of the same kind.The other two novels of Dan Brown,Deception Point & Digital Fortress, are adventure+fact packed.Sherlock Holmes novels by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle introduces readers to a new science, umption through observation.They are really interesting!!

Am I fat? Or muscular?

I am 13 years old. I am 5 foot 8 and weigh about 158 pounds. I work out regularly in athletics such as cross country, track, and softball. I ask my friends but they say i am pretty muscular? But would muscle really weigh this much? I know I have a little flab? Should I workout more and go on a diet? Am i fine? Is it really muscle or fat?

I have a ques about for both male and female?

that happens 2 alot of women after having a baby. & even if u wanted 2, ur probably 2 tired. give urself some time & ur drive will come back. if hes a good man he will understand & not go looking 4 elsewhere.

Spanish HELP!!!! preterite & imperfect?????????!!!!!!!!!!?

Ok, so I am in my 3rd year of spanish, i am not bad, but this year we have been learning about preterite and imperfect. Not a lot of people in my cl get it and we have a test on it tomorrow!!! Its not just on that, but its part of the test, so can someone give me a good way to remember when to use preterite and when to use imperfect!!!! Gracias

I'm afriad because i lived near a store that has a clown as a mascot?

i'm afraid because i lived near a store that has a clown as a mascot. every time we'd go shopping he'd talk to my mom and me. i told him to please just go away. he didn't. he pursued me relentlessly. one day i stabbed him with my pocket knife and he punched me in the chest. after that i was a little scared. then after they got a different clown to be the mascot, he bugged me every day i went. one day he said, 'i hear your gonna be 7" i said yeah and tried to leave but he said, "i'll come to your brithday party for free" i said no, my mom said no too because she doesn't accept free services, he was pissed, he screamed and yelled and chased us to our car. his name was crinkles. after that i worked out constantly and trained in the art of Mo Tai so i could destroy any clown i saw. i saw one but i tried to walk away from it, he said, "hello want a balloon?" i said leave me alone, he said, "Awww, such a sourpuss aren't we?" I unleashed, beating it till he was unrecognizale as a clown. i would have killed him but the cops came and i ran. i felt amazing after that. another clown came up to me and i tried once again to leave. i didn't try too hard though, he wouldn't let me go, so we fought. he was good but not as good as me. we were both bloody and beaten. he died at the hospital. i was taken in and because of my age i was put into a mental institution till i was 21 or cured of my "violent coulrophobic tendencies" i'm 15 now, six more years of rage building against them. my only connection to the outside is my laptop. i can't talk to anyone else in here because i hate stupidity. oh well that's my story. i hate to be the first clown i meet out there.

How to get birds to stop nesting and coming back?

Block this area off with mesh netting or something else..if this has been a continual should have taken care of this BEFORE the breeding season. You can legally knock the nests down if NO eggs are in it. Once eggs are laid you are stuck with the nest as all native wild birds, their eggs, nests, and parts are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. At this point the birds are just wasting a lot of time and energy which may affect their potential to have a successful nest somewhere other than your porch. Block it off once and for all.

Slander is being spread by my ex employer that I was fired, but I had put in a 2 weeks notice. What do I do?

I recently put a 2 weeks notice in and was asked to leave the day I placed my notice. Within 45 mins. of me being told to leave I am hit with gossip that I was fired because of conversations I had had with HR. I had yet to tell a soul due to the fact I was busy packing. The news had even spread in less that an hour to another building 40 miles away. I was recently asked by a potential employer who was considering me for a managers position of why I was fired. I had to set the story sraight and he told me that that's what he had heard. I am still on payroll until the 16th of July and I have asked HR to help with this. They told me there was nothing they could do about it. I asked HR for EEO's number and what the Department of Labor could do and was told by HR that neither could help me. Unfortunalty I have been told that this is common behavior for this company. What can I do to protect myself?

If i melt the Hershey bar the cookies and cream one will the lil cookies get ruined?

im making chocolate covered strawberries and i want to make a cookies and cream one so if i melt hershey's cookies and cream will it work will it melt right?

NASA, ESA, RFSA - capabilities..?

Why don't NASA, ESA and RFSA team up and build something together that would replace the space shuttle? Maybe from Buran or something entirely new? Isn't it time to make an aerodynamic vessel capable of normal take off and space exploration? If we have Iphone, Ipod, F-22, scramjet engine, YAL 1 etc., why couldn't we build something that would be using anti-mater propulsion and could travel near to light speed? Why is everyone so inert?

Does anyone know of a sunflower field in Eastern KS, south of KC?

I've seen some sunflower fields south of KC, Cleveland MO and Stillwell KS areas but can't remember exactly. Anyone know of any?

A house divided will fall. if this woman can't even persuade her husband, how does she expect to lead a nation

I think the entire story is a front. Bill it taking the fall in order to deflect criticism off of Hillary. Hillary secretly supports it too.

Are you aware of the odds for the Seahawks to win the Superbowl?

I'm surprised that the Seahawks odds are that good (according to Vegas). We all know that the Seahawks don't stand a snowball's chance in Hell of making the Super Bowl.

Phases of the moon?

There is a science question i have to answer and i dont understand it....Does the phases of the moon affect how much the moon is illuminated?..... I dont understand what illuminated means if anyone could help me answer this question and explain what illuminated means that would be really helpful.

Hi, I need help on choosing the right sports bike. GSXR 750 (K4)/DAYTONA 675/2006 R6?

mark the R6 and Daytona are great bikes but the GSXR is in another league I have the size and weight of a 600 which is great for commuting and twisty roads and the power that will keep up with and beat most 1000cc

Rate/Fix Jurrac Deck?

First, take out the 2 Tyrannus, and replace them by 1 another Titano. Tyrannus is weak compared to Titano, u need Dark Hole( replace Lightning Vortex) with Smashing Ground and Book Of Moon in your deck, also include Jurrac Velphito in your extra deck, if your opponent play a card like Marshmallon, for example, what should u do? A great combo with Book and Velphito, use Book to change 1 monster( Like Stardust Dragon,etc.) into face down and attack it with Velphito. If u run 3 Jurric World then don't put Solidary, use these cards. Last suggestion, add Mystical Space Typhoon and Giant Trunade.

Does anyone have this problem with their XM radio in their vehicle?

My tuner apparently quits working when it is cold, (it only can tune to the station that it was originally on when it was turned off prior to being turned back on.) but it starts working again once it gets warmed up. (It takes about 45 minutes with having the heat on floor full blast) I had this problem with the sirius sattilite radio that I had before in my other car. But my ex with xm never had the problem that I have had twice now.

Robotics homework plz help?!!?!?!?

i have to do a brochure related to robotics...and i cant find a good one...wt do u think? i need a good topic PLZ

Watching my high school volleyball team play?

this isn't much, but when we have a pep rally at our school the seniors wave their hands and say "freshmen, freshmen, you suck!" and they go around and do it to the sopres and juniors, so i guess you could change it to "tigers, tigers, you suck" but you have to drag it out like, tiiiigers, tiiiigers, you suck!" They won't have anything to say back...:) and it gets us angry

Do you think that there is a rapper or producer.....................?

Who is a musical genius like Beethoven? In case you don't know or forgot, Beethoven was deaf and still wrote masterpieces.

How Stocked Am I Now?

5 You're overstocked by about ten gallons. The gl cat fish get about 5 inches a piece. So the glowlights are ten gallons your female betta is 2 your platties are 4 your upside downs are 8 your otos are 4 and your corries are 6 so total you really need a 40 gallon tank. I think if you gave up a few of your glow lights or the two gl cats you would be in better shape. Not that what you have can't be done. Read up on your species a bit. All in all you have an interesting tank. Just find out how tolerant each is to a little overstocking/ waste build up. You could do more frequent water changes.

Bible? Quran? Which One?

The Bible was written by many prophets over the centuries showing an unchanging God. The quaran was written by one man, supposedly quoted by Gabriel who he never verified, saying God changed His mind. Which do you want to trust?

Help flea infestation what do i do?

ok i thought my cat was ill as she were throwing up and i had flea drops in the house as she was acting weird by gettin up and purring then sitting back down so i flead her and she cant stop bitting and licking herself shes got pretty wet so now i need to flea the whole house im going to put flea collar in hoover 2morow and hooe beds sofas the works and im going to get spray for carpets but what should i do do you think

Website help question?

what is a website were you can make crossword puzzles, word searches, and stuff like that?!?!!?!?!?!?

In the US, do you have people who burn your flag? Is it legal?

Muslims are a problem in every country. You should ask the British what they have to deal with. England's OWN FLAG is offensive to muslims.

What kind of hat would the heath Ledger joker wear? The top hat is too cartoony..?

Like what type of hat would fit his persona, in the Nolan universe..and if you dont name the name of it but have a picture you can always copy and paste the web address

Can prop 8 be overturned by activist judges?

It will be overturned. A ballot which amends the Constitution has to go through the legislature first for a 2/3 's vote before it can be put on a ballot a simple signature of a bunch of bigots doesn't work. They are not "activist" judges and will not allow hate to be part of our constitution.

I would really like to know how to hypnotize. Please can anyone help me.?

Ive always been interested in hypnosis and I would to learn how but all the ways i come across cost money or are a load of crap can someone please help!!!

Sad, tearjerker songs about heartache and break ups?

If you want to feel normal again why would you remind yourself of him by listening to sad songs. >.>

What is your opinion on marriage - Is it really outdated?

I have been told by alot of people that they just don't value marriage anymore its more of a benefit than a covenant. What are your thoughts? I think that is horrible. I guess I am old fashion and joyously married/monogamous with a big fat "M". stay sweet and safe. This explains the break down of families and marriages people don't care.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Which ions are present in each precipitate and which cations are not present in the original solution?

Suppose you have a solution that might contain or all of the following cations: Cu2+, Ag+, Ba2+, and Mn2+. Addition of HCl causes a precipitate to form. After the precipitate is filtered off, H2SO4 is added to the supernate another precipitate forms. This precipitate is filtered off, and a solution of NaOH is added to the supernatant liquid until it is strongly alkaline. No precipitate is formed. Which ions are present in each of the precipitates? Which cations are not present in the original solution?

I maybe having a baby, and my boyfriends ex-girlfriend is always asking people if I am pregnant wut am i to do

she dont like me because she feels as though i stole him from her which is not tru at all...they were no longer together when we got together and she wanted a baby by him

My mom is yelling at me for something I didnt do!!?

Ok for athletics we have to sell these barbeque tickets. Well I had to wash my bag because I spilled powder in it. So the tickets were in my bag so i put it on my shelf. While I was at a friends house, she cleaned my room which I hate! because she puts things in the wrong place and she throws things away that is important. She has thrown away my homework 3 times and I had to go in the garbage and get it! not her!! anyways she threw away my tickets and they were 7 dollars each and i had 2 of them. then she started yelling at me cause i dont keep things where they belong. and then today i asked her for money for the tickets cause they were due this week and she started yelling at me again and my dad started yelling too! its not my fault my mom comes in my room to clean without my permission and throws away everything that she looks at!

Temperature physics problem Please help!?

A 0.4 kilogram sample of Aluminum at 100 degrees Celsius is put into a container containing 0.5 kilograms of water at 20 degrees Celsius. Neglecting the small amount of energy absorbed by the container and knowing the specific heat of Aluminum 900 kJ/kg*C is and the specific heat of the water is 4186 kJ/kg*C answer the following question. Compared to the heat liberated by the aluminum, the heat absorbed by the water is…

A response to... Will you read of a reference concerning the Library of Alexandria?

I wish I could visit the Library of Alexandria, but I can't! Well, thanks for the information about it... You're a great friend! :))

UK: Unidentified Song. How can I tell who it is?

Lady Ga Ga sounds an awful lot like Gwen Stefani when she sings Paparazzi. Try a couple of her songs.

Can it run Windows Aero?

there's a computer i'm buying and it's got 'Intel GMA (1GB)' graphics thing, (a bit vaque, I know), but does any one know if a card can run aero,( if you need more info, i can show you the argos number and you can see the product for yourself.)

I'm so confused.. i need help.. i wanna cry!?

Second time asking! What can I do im stuck!? I have a choice to go to 2 schools the first school is the one ive been in al my life for the past 7 years. I'm going to be in 8th grade this year. the second school is a new school. I don't know what school to choose because the first school all my friends are moving so I don't have anyone to hang around with. And I have a REALLY REALLY DIFFUCULT time making friends. Yeah alot of people may say this my I TRUELY HAVE A DIFFUCULT time. I don't want to make friends in the first school the one I've been in for 7 years because everyone i a shittalker and a *****. And i'mn afraid of being a new kid! i'm afraid no one will like me because everyone thinks im a ***** and I don't know why and i'm afraid I won't make new friends at the new school. And in the old school i don't want to be lonely and by myself all the time. My siblings say its just the last year and to hang on but it is really diffucult sitting by yourself at lunch and recess and in every cl. I want the last year to be a good year! I need HELP i really don't know what to do. Also there is no school clubs everyone is pratically on their own. I hope you guys aren't confused by my question. Please give me your opinion! It will be really nice =) THANKS SO MUCH! <3

Relationship help for a friend?

Be honest with your friend. She deserves to know what this dude is really like. After she's informed, she can make her own decisions about whether to be with him, right?

Could it be pregnancy?

I was due on two weeks AGP due to coming off the pill last month and I did have a period but it was a very light period but was only on for one day? I also had a water infection and was on antibiotics - but now after finishing my antibiotics on thursday - I am still having pain in my tummy all around- it feels like a cramp pain?

Why didn't our government take double agent Dusko Popov's information about the Pearl Harbor attack seriously

Famed double agent/spy Dusko Popov stated in interviews some years before his death that he had warned the U.S. government about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and they brushed him off, notably, J. Edgar Hoover.

This is why american football players are tougher than soccer players?

I played soccer and American football (punter in highschool) on defense all you want to do is hit ppl and hurt them. I had a few tackles and I actually hurt someone and it felt amazing. In soccer you go down you dive you pretend but you never get hurt no risk

Do you agree with this quote and does it have significant historical importance?

“Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

Okay did I hurt him? What does his letter mean?

Well..... I understand why you're confused, this letter is very hard to make sense of. I think there's obviously upset. He's trying to say he doesn't think you really like him and youve been laughing about you and him behind his back. You have DEFINETLY hurt him. I would advise you to talk to him.

Why does is continue to warmer or colder after the respective summer and winter solstice?

Because there's very little change in solar declination for at least a month after each solstice, so heat either continues to build up, or cool down. By the time of the summer solstice, the sun's declination has been 20 degrees plus for only a month. By July 21, it's been at 20 degrees plus for TWO months. Since the sun has been essentially just as high for an extra month, July 21 is bound to be hotter on average than June 21. The reverse is true for January 21. By then the sun has been 20 degrees or more below the celestial equator for a month longer than on December 21, so it's bound to be colder on average.

Why are some Lawyers in CA trying to ban prop 8 from being voted on in Nov?

Because this is turning into a nation that is all government control, not what the people want, and these crazy liberals are OK with it. They are willing to sacrifice their rights so that a VERY small group of people can live their lifestyles. How much longer until California courts try to push the legalization of men having with 12 year old boys? These crazy liberals will try to use the exact same justification as they do with gay marriage on that issue too.

If a fielder catches a ball, but the ball slips & fells outside the boundary, is it six or four?

in a match, if a player strikes a ball, it goes straightly towards boundary for six, but the fielder near the boundary tries to catch it, catches it but the ball slips from his hand and fells outside the boundary, is it six or four?

You like dresses?You like cool ones too?Click here!Which dress is cooler?

There both awesome but i'm gonna have to say the first one-A is the best! It's shinier and bright!!=D

Dosent McCain realize conservatives arent moved by affirmative action picks?

People smarten up! In the end, with all things being equal, if Obama wins, we will have one political party running two of the three branches of our government. And eventually all three with two or more justices retiring over that time. Have we learned nothing with the Republicans control of the government? Is a recipe for more graft and corruption, which this country just can't afford.

Laying out a fleece... help me understand

Since roses bloom all year long depending on the weather, altitude, moisture, etc, this doesn't seem all that impressive. Perhaps if he asked God to send a big purple blob rolling down the highway sucking up cars and trucks, and it happened, that might prove something. But this? No.

I am 16 and need money in one day. how do i get it?

i know i need a co signer for a loan, and i would need to find one. but are there any ways like asking strangers nicely for money or telling them youd pay them back?

Mitosis and Meiosis? -- REALLY need help, test next cl?

mitosis is the division of non cells and meiosis is the division of cells. they both go through the phases of interphase, prophase, meta- ana- & telo. meiosis would repeat this process twice

I lost a remote control for a curtis mathes tv and my rca remote has gone bad. What is the best univ remote?

One of what I find to be very easy to use and set up is Phillips. I must have about 3 of 'em on different TVs in the house. They are not expensive and work well. I hesitate on buying expensive replacement remotes because with a bunch of critters and a 12 year old, they end up in the worst places!

Speeding in nc... 65 in a 45?

just got a ticket for going 20 over by an nc state trooper. i do speed usually but i swear i was NOT speeding 20+! he said he clocked me from the other direction...anyways i have a court date and all, how much will my ticket be? plus im 17 years old. thanks!

Faith question? intelligence?

Does it take more intellect to believe in something without proof or to believe in something with proof but not completely explainable yet. for example belief in a god.

I was told that even though i filed a i130 fo my thai spouse.......?

I dont know who told you that but that not true there a visa for wife its K3 it for wife the price its also waived when you already filed the I 130 you should call USCIS or even better go to they have information about it if you have no criminal background you don't really need a lawyer .Good luck

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What can I hear through my walls at night?

My neighbours recently had a boiler fitted onto the party wall of our bedroom. They have since had it moved into their bathroom, but I can still hear like a water/hissing sound when the bedroom is quiet i.e all night. Sometimes it is louder than others but I cannot pinpoint the noise through the wall. It is a coincidence that this noise was not apparent before the boiler was fitted. It is driving me insane!! They have been known to have the heating on all night and wonder if this is what I can hear.

Do kangaroos have claws or nails?

They must have claws. We start to see nails in primates as an adaptation for prehensility (the capability of grasping objects). Primates include: Prosimians (lemurs, lorises, tarsiers) & Anthropoids (monkeys, apes and humans).

HELP! Need first dance song advice.?

Getting married June 7th, have been with my soon to be for 6 years, highschool sweethearts. We have had our ups and downs, and doubters, but here we are still together. A few ones we have listened too..."Livin our love song" - Jason Micheal Carol, "Dont know much" - Aaron Neville, "Your my angel" - Celion Dion/R. Kelly, "Keeper of the Stars" - Tracy Bryd, and many many more..however, nothing seems to appeal to both of us. Any other ideas??? I have searched the Top 500 Wedding song list, what did you use and why??? Thanks!

Where can i find an attorny to exsponge my records in the state of GA /?

your misdemeanor record can never be cancelled it will remain you file and you Identity No or you social security No that will remain until you die the only way is to get a whole new identity for yourself . or you can appeal you previous conviction to the higher court in your country if you think that you were not represented properly by your lawyers. but if you know that you have commit ed thes crimes which is unlawfully you can not do anything about it you just have to live with so please don't waste your money and seek legal advice no one can remove your criminal record. yes you can appeal to the President of your country and ask him for a pardon and the only you records can expunged,

Baby cries after feeding?

i cant figure out whats wrong with my baby. she cries after every feeding. i feed her, and i know for a fact that shes getting enough milk. she seems to want to keep sucking but cries when she starts. ive tried everything- pacifiers, bottle feeding, rocking her, burping her etc. she kinda seems either extremely fustrated or in pain. i took her to the doctor and the dr said that she just wants to cry. i dont believe that. im so exhausted and i feel completely helpless. she will eat for like 20-30 minutes and then start to fall asleep, but then she'll wake up and start screaming and that lasts for like an hour or so.

Potash from fireplace and its uses?

I have alot of ashes in my fireplace from this winter. What would be the best plants or vegatables to use this left over wood potash on?

Have you ever talked to xxmanderzxx??

it supposably mandy jirouxs aim but if so shes really mean she refused to talk to me casue im not her real friend and told me i shouldnt talk to her and if i needed something to do to go read a book or do a puzzle

Why do people dislike Brett Favre?

people hate favre cause he's a y **** and disses his own team. thats why he had to leave Green Bay. after a year of leaving Green Bay, he started talking crap about his own team and Green Bay. he's a y ****.

Will my tank be overstocked?

i am planning on having 2 kribs, 2 African erfly cichlids, pleco, 3-5 khulli loaches, and some type of tetra or fish that will be up top and not smaller than 2.5 inches.

Has a reason and solution for the myseterious dying bees of the world been found yet?

No but i saw a farmer who's bees have all died out of 1000 on 150 are alive.The food is going up so high and now they say you can only buy 1 bag of rice as people are stocking up on food as with out bee's many foods will not be around' and it's scary.i have never seen anything this worrisome ever nor will i see something like this that hits all humans vegetarians and non alike.

What Judgment?

Obama did not say he would have voted for the war. Just not true. In fact he spoke at severall anti-war rallies before it even started when he was a Senator for Ill.


do not waste your time... there are already many programs out there to download those videos from the website. Just search on google and you find alot.

Girl trouble. I know her but. WHAT SIGNS?

theres a girl and ive liked her for ages and things have been getting steadily better and now i can talk to her alright in person and can be around her friends but everything ive read said ther would be sings if she likes me too. WHAT SIGNS??? anything at all will help

What's your belief in the conspiracy that the world will end in 2012?

well 2 begin with, its not supposed 2 happen dec,24. its supposed 2 happen dec,21. also they say somethng about its supposed 2 happen because the mayan calender ends. but rumor has it its supposed to be a disaster and rumor has it its supposed 2 be a new beggining and the ending of all suffering. only jehova knows. and when it happens its supposed 2 be a good thng based on the bible.

Think I'm still in love?

I split from a longterm partner 1yr ago we have stayed in touch but not met up, he has not met anyone else, I have been on a couple of dates but no one has caught my attention. Our relationship ended amicably and the contact since has been nice but confusing. Is it possible to get back with someone after such a long period? I know I still have strong feelings and think he does too. I think we are too scared of revealing this to eachother. Should I take the bull by the horns and tell him how I feel? The risk is heartache all over again! Help :)

How would you rate these womens looks in the Mideast region?

DUH Do you have a job or just a keyboard? How would I rate the intelligence of guys who rate women via their countries of origin, when their ethnicity may not even tie to that? How do I rate the idiocy of a guy who wastes his time doing this when the real girls are not interested in him?

Can I get sued for slander or defamation of character?

I dont think so, If you would have said something like " you didnt pay me and you were late paying me and you are cheeting on your wife and beat kittens in your back yard" then you could get sued. I believe for it to hold up in court what you said has to be a lie, so if he really mistreated you as an employee then you have every right to say what you said. Check out that link, its a better definition.

Do horoscopes really work?

im libra, and ive never had a boyfriend. boys ask me out but i always say no because ive heard that boys just make your mind go weird and stop focussing on everytime i read the horoscope libra about romance, it says its the sign of ove and romance and bla bla bla. but i dont know....the ind of guy thati want is a guy to be nice, respectful, faithful, and cute. yes, thats too much to sk for, and i do want a boyfriend, but its just that the ones that has asked me out...i dont like them. would i ever find m charming price? is it true what horoscopes say?

Snowboard question.......?

I got this Dakine stomp pad & it's the spike one & there are 9 peices... I don't know how to arrange them, do I put them close together or fat apart for best results?

Girls... Gay guys... Is it me or is this guy HOT!?!?

right i will say this only once as a born and bred red manc that boy ronaldo can go and play for madrid he can go and waste his career away, most of the 70.0000 mancs that see him week in week out are sick of him, go to the trafford pub at old trafford and ask the regulars how they feel about ronaldo

Why is he behaving like a jerk? He is the one that had a gf.?

This guy at work helped me out when I moved to the city from another state. He took me out and was a good friend. I was going over a breakup and was alone in the city. We were friends and messed around one night. Well we stayed friends since we work together and did not know all along he had a gf. I told him once that if he had a gf we would never get together. That I do not settle being number 2. Well I found out he had a gf. On his FB he had all pictures of his gf together. He swore that she was his ex and they had know each other since 10th grade and he is now 33. They are only friends and I questioned why he had all the pictures of her and him. No kissing pictures but that they were hanging out. So I let it go. Well finally i told him that I just wanted to be platonic friends. We had never had so I thought it would be OK. He did not like it. He was furious. He became mean to me. Since we work together I thought we can be professional. He was not very happy with me. I told him we can be platonic and that we can be just friends. That I have a lot of male friends. He snapped at me and said that I have more guy friends. He has been such a jerk. We work together and I am sad this all happened. I thought he was a good guy, but I guess not. He wants me to quit my job which the job market is not good. I have been looking. why be a jerk. he is with someone else. I am still on my own and am starting to go out to meet people which irritates him. I just want peace.

Does Allah request Islam to destroy His creations or does Islam teach that Allah is imperfect?

That's just customs and not according to Islam. Islam only recomments circition of man. These practises are in Africa is due to their ingnorance of Islam. IGNORANCE. Not a single verse to support these actions in the Holy Quran. It does ask man and women to protect their private parts and not to mutilate. As for man's circition, that is a good custom of Prophet Abraham (pbuh) which all Muslims follow.

How did the origin of life form on earth?

how did the origin of life form on earth? Ive heard several people telling me that it actually came from asteroids themselves that bombarded earth and not the earth giving life itself. I just wanted to clarify this,so can someone explain?

How can i get a hairstyle like this?

the next time you go to get your hair cut go to a salon not just a walk in and take the picture with you and ask them if they can teach you how to do the style

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Need help with crochet pattern(christening sets for him and her)?

its frustrating when you need help right away and you have to wait. unfortunately no one here probably have the same pattern. it's better to wait for the answer, or try contacting them again. are you on ? if not join it. i have seen alot of annies attic crochet pattern done by people you might find help on what you are looking for. either someone would have done it as well or in some forum.

How would you predict the end of the world?What do you think will happen?

Give or take a billion years the descents of humanity, either biological or mechanical (or both), will dismantle the world and all the other material in the solar system to use as parts of the Dyson sphere they'll build around the sun.

When and where did Gandhi say this quote?

The quote is, "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." I need to know when and where he said this quote for an English ignment.

FHA Loan and Appraisal?

I have a signed contract on an old farm property (14.5 acres) - house was built in 1800 and added on over time (now has jacuzzi, master bath, walkin closet, etc), there is an old barn, and an unfinished cottage on the property. Everything works electrically (just not very clean), there is some shifting of the foundation but not major, and other minor repairs. I am approved for an FHA loan and the bank has recently solicited an appraisal. The first appraiser withdrew from the process and called the project "too complex." However, he made comments that there were some structural issues with the old barn. The bank has since solicited another appraiser to complete the project. It is my understanding that there is no question about the value not being enough but the other safety/structural issues that are required as part of the FHA. The final appraisal is now expected anyday and the underwriter opinion to follow. I would also note that I have already been able to purchase homeowners insurance on property. What is the likelihood that they deny me because of other buildings on the property? Can I sue if they do not approve me?


A winter resort took a poll of its 350 visitors to see which winter activities people enjoyed. The results were as follows: 178 people liked to ski, 154 people liked to snowboard, and 49 people liked to ski and snowboard. How many people in the poll liked to ski or snowboard...CAN SOMEONE SOLVE THIS PROBLEM BY USING SET OPERATIONS OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT..

Why are the majority of people in the bible portrayed as being white?

It doesnt? Religious movies about biblical stories may depict people as white because they audience that watches it is mostly white, its a marketing thing.

Why do people use improper wording on Yahoo answers?

Like cuz, ppl, and u I find this somewhat annoying and I will not read questions addressed like this,also the misspelling bothers me too there is such thing as spell check .Just curious why people do this

Did Obama tear up before being sworn in?

Someone told me that as he was coming out of the capitol building, Obama was tearing up a little. Does anyone have a link to that clip?

How can I delete my post once it has some answers (and even a best answer)?

Once a question is resolved ( Best Answer chosen ) the only way to get rid of it is if it reported as a violation by at least two users. You cannot delete it yourself.

Stray cat meows at side of house??!!?

I really can't say for sure why it meows. But my opinion is maybe it was a house cat but got lost. Maybe it's meowing to find it's family. Or if it didnt meow before you started feeding it maybe it got used to you feeding it and is taking that as an advantage.

When should I expect to see my wedding pictures?

We hired one of the best photographers in town. She's really popular, sweet, professional, etc. We paid 5,000 for 8 hours. It's been almost 5 weeks and I still haven't received ANY pictures. Not even a few teasers :( This may sound dumb but I'm getting really impatient. I called her 2 weeks ago for the first time just in case I needed to pick or do anything and she just said "We will keep in touch!" I called her yesterday morning and asked her for at least one pic and she hasn't returned my phone call. It's not wedding season. Am I being unreasonable? Also, it doesn't help when family and friends keep asking about the pictures!

Is there more to love with love handles? NO I NEED TO GET RID OF THEM!?

2 weeks is not a realistic goal. You are only setting yourself up for disappointment. Do some sidebends and twists...but dont expect to see results quickly- its a tough area to tighten.

Audition song? At The Ballet?

At the Ballet is a recognizable Broadway song and is definitely edgy particularly the first two "daddy always said" and the "mother always said" verses so I say go for it!

Please rate my fantasy baseball team?

i don't know what kind of league you're playing in if you have chase utley, david wright, jose reyes, and c.c. sabathia... if you got all those people on draft day then you're playing with some kind of idiots and you have nothing to worry about...

In the Chinese PinYin are the sounds z, c, and s the same as zi, ci, and si because they sound very similar?

also, are the sounds zh, ch, sh, and r the same as zhi, chi, shi, and ri. If not please tell me the sound differences.

Predictions for BFG tonight?

You could check out Wrestlezone for a preview of Bound For Glory and possible spoilers for the event.

Is it a turn on for a guy if his gf is using a finger external vibrator on herself while with him naked and?

he is naked as well, but she is giving him a bj while he is on top of her face sorta. i mean standing over is. and jeeez dont report my question. its just curiousity. please and thank you. if u dont like my question just please move on.

Is it a womans first instinct to Want to be with her childs father..?

This is sorta a follow up question to one I asked eariler which I recieved great advice. My situation is this i've dated my current girlfreind for 7 months now and she is currently 4 months preg with both of ours first child. Thigns were going great till about a month ago when I guess I became too overbearing. I keeped asken the same questions over and over and according too her didn't get her air too breathe. So we deiced too take a break from each other..(she decided and I agreed) She said she needed time too think about things. I've tried to best I could to give her space and I still am But i haven't been perfect..Outta the past month i've only talked to her 4 times...Im really worried she won't come back too me. Before all this happended everything was going great I was too her the best b/f she could ask for..I took her out did the little things girls like...Should I be worried..? Would all the good things i've done and being there for her be overtaken by the few bad..?

Convert this code to be played on a java applet?

I think the only one thing you need is to extend from Applet instead Panel. I would like to test it, but y!answers trimmed some code lines, so I could not compile it.

Should i get a female kitten or a male kitten?

If you have a guy cat then get a girl because it is less likely for them to fight. If you have a girl cat get a guy then it would not be as big of a territorial thing and the spraying, there is a very small chance that the male cat will spray after being neutered but i am not going to lie yes they can and may still spray.

Why is Ron Paul taking advice from the Sultan of Bigots David Duke? Whats next Hooded Robes?

Sort of speaks volumes about the real Paul doesn't it? I guess he's not the Second Coming after all.

Is it a right choice of UGF for a planted tetra tank of size 4'(L)/2'(W)/2.5'(H) ?

I am making an aquarium of the above size. Someone who is guiding me suggests to make it heavily planted tank for Neon tetra. From his experience he is saying that tetras polute the water very little and UGF is enough for it. He is a professional supplier of aquarium and fishes. Please tell me whether he is right or not. Pl. tell me other choice of fishes keeping the plantation and UGF constant.

What are some reasons that it is good to have drug testing for middle/high school athletics?

What are some reasons that it is good to have drug testing for middle/high school athletics? What are some reasons that it is bad to have drug testing for middle/high school athletics? To search for stuff like steroids. (I'm doing a debate.)

I am getting married in Jan in ATL, GA. Anyone know of any fun funky places to hold a ceremony/ reception?

I'm not looking for something too expensive, just something fun, funky, and fresh for a winter themed wedding... it's gonna be very simple and just extended family and friends. Just looking to have a good time and celebrating! Anyone have any suggestions?

Tax research problem - where to start?

Clyde would treat it as a $457,000 long term capital gain on Sch. D of his 1040. It was not a stock options or anything like that so don't over think the problem.

NCAA basketball tournament bracket question?

i am trying to find a bracket where i can type in the name of the teams that i think are going to win. I DO NOT WANT A LINK TO A PRINTABLE VERSION. as my pool is emaling all filled out brackets to me. i've checked numerous sites, PDA wont allow for email, i even converted it but it still wont let me save and email. TEN POINTS FOR THE FIRST ANSWER THAT GIVES A LINK TO A BRACKET WHERE I CAN TYPE IN THE TEAMS AND SAVE AND EMAIL.

1 of my bunnies,Loretta,wants 2 b w/ my other bunny,Ariel,who isn't so happy about the idea.What should I do?

Keep Ariel by herself but maybe put seperate cages next to each other or get Loretta another bunny, but never force animals to stay together if they dont want to-they will probably fight and could get hurt

Rank the twelve Zodiac signs in order from most arrogant to most humble:?

I'm into astrology dont get me wrong but i really do believe and think that a person is humble by heart and by there beliefs and by the way they were raised not by sign, because i have met every sign and they are all arrogant really there has been very few that are really humble, im a scorpio girl and Iam very humble at heart and i have met many other scorpios that are not humble at all lol so who knows

How do I keep blinking LED lights blinking instead of shutting off after cycle ?

I have two blinking LED's from radio shack I have to keep them blinking instead of shutting off after they cycle.They are going on a pinewood derby car for my son who wants a police car. Can anyone help?

I was a real guts past two paying for it and have a date in a few nights:( !! HELP!?

First stop eating toast with peanut er, not going to help you, and if you want to flush your system asap of all the garbage that is likely adding to your weight, for the next 2 days stay on a liquid diet, soup and lots of healthy juice, specifically cranberry juice...and don't forget lots of water. If you want something more solid, eat (and don't laugh I'm serious) baby apple sauce, apricots and banana blends. It is the best way too lose weight and to clean your body of all the junk. tell me this isn't taking it just a little too far....?

Probably legal. Ethical? No. He should have just let the other driver go after getting their license number. Escort the first car to the hospital and NOT write them a ticket.

I feel very apathetic and

the PSAT is this wednesday and i just looked at a practice test, and i can't remmeber certain things...i think it is a result of my apathetic state. lately i've been so careless or frustrated...two extremes i know, but that is how i feel now. i constantly think about life, is it worth it? or why is it so boring...i find it boring...i am not interested in making new friends...and i neglect my hw sometimes...and just sit, walk around...i really hate this state, i had this last year too but then it stopped. this one is taking a longer time now..i don't know constantly bored and dream of doing something like going somewhere windy, cool, and out in the open gry plain by cliffs and the sea where i would run free and act like a small child again. I also don't want to participate in many things at all...just don't want to at before i was a christmas fanatic when i was small and now i don't care. i have this heavy feeling in me which slows me plz?

Do Christians believe in any part of evolution?

I'm a Christian. I grew up attending Christian schools, where we were taught the theory of evolution, not Creationism. My church doesn't have a problem with evolution. You'll find that Creationists form a rather small (but vocal) minority within Christianity.

I have a 89 Chrysler Plymouth. How do I close the windows?

I don't know to close the windows in the back. I don't know if they are automatic or what I can't close them. Any help?

I am a single mother who is in the process of rehabilitating a disability ...?

I am about 1 month away from finding employment that will accommodate my disability so that I can support myself and my 2 children. However I am very behind in my bills - phone and power being the 2 bills, I find it hard to pay my weekly rent and I am currently not on any government istance for anything other than food stamps and Medicaid for my children. I also am a insulin dependent diabetic and have high blood pressure and take medicine for that however I receive medication from a funded program for individuals with low income. I was hurt in an accident and had to relearn alot of the intellect I once had and have a life long back injury however I am not qualified to draw disability. I have tried and applied for istance thru many local organizations and resources but I live in a very rural community that has limited resources and they are out of monies. I am lost as to where I can get istance with my bills for 1 month til I get through this vocational rehabilitation to start my own job. Any Information or help would be so greatly appreciated and welcomed.

Who can i turn to if my moral waiver has been denied?

Actually, your problem is real for alot of people who have committed serious crimes. I notice you don't say what your crime was but that along with your education level has alot to do with whether or not your qualified. Because of the way things are in recruiting and the large numbers of Soldiers re enlisting, the need is not as great as alot of people think. We are doing much better than we have in several years as far as achieving our accessions to basic training and specifically reenlistment. In the Army if you have a felony or what we can a Major Misconduct as an adult you are not eligible for a waiver. If you were convicted as a juvenile you could be eligible for a waiver. Now, other factors play into this. First the type of charge, if is was ual in nature or a domestic violence charge you have little or no chance. If you were convicted less than two years ago you are not qualified. There is a 2 year wait on any major misconduct. If you are not a High School Graduate or a high school senior you will not qualify with that level of charge. Guess you can blame the media for saying the Army is lowering it's standards. Good luck to you. As of this point in time if it is an adult charge you wont qualify for any military service. And don't waste time calling your senators or other politicians.... they are the ones that help put limits on who can and cannot join.

(I Love Trance Music)I Want To Find Music From Unicorn (A Group, Dj ,Artist,Don't Know) And It's Untraceable.?

I've Search EVERYWHERE On The Net! Ares, U torrent ,Google, Rapid share & Almost Every Torrent Site For (Unicorn)Trance Music. Unicorn Is Amazing I Just Hear A Track On (This Is Trance 3.0 ,CD#3) Called = Fantasia And I'm Hungry For More But, When I Search For It On The Net I Found Everything About Unicorns Except The Music Not Even Info Of The Group Or Artist Or Whatever , If You Know Please Help!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Should the Iraqis that are helping the soldiers as translators etc.. be able to get US citizenship?

I saw somewhere after they help and even save US forces and aren't safe there and want to move to the US but the US deny them the process to become citizens is this fair?

Sirius Radio S50 Problem!!!!!?

I need help with a Sirius S50. I plug it in and when I turn it on, it says "Updating Channels". I even drove around for a half hour trying to see if it needed a better signal. I left it sit overnight and it still says the same thing. Anybody know how I can fix this?

Uunion boss Andy Stern has announced the plan to redistribute wealth with green jobs?

The socialist agenda of this administration is alive and well. People will continue to see the grave adverse effect of their policies. I believe in Nov, more moderate and conservative candidates will replace the far left politiicians. There is no doubt that extreme anger is present in America. Americans will not allow their agenda to be carried out, one way or another, it will be stopped

If you answer this questions right i'll give you best answer? Please Help Me!!?

the raven represents mournful and never-ending remembrance. its like a parrot only darker and more sinister, like a devil-parrot who wont shut up. jennifer holiday spends her money on food and clothes and she admires mahalia jackson.

Why did Orr from "Catch-22" want big cheeks?

i think the point of Orr was that he did things for his reasons and those reasons were usually good enough, Ie crashing the planes over and over or getting the to beat him

What would be the best move right now?

I would like to attend the most inexpensive school that I know but well reputable and has the most advance accreditation. This school is in a state that some say is tight in employment/job openings. Yet a friend of mine who is a graphic designer, moved up there last year and got a job within 2 weeks. This is in ATL, GA. I am in Central FL. This cost of living is a bit more expensive there than here. Should I move, because of the school, well, to obtain my Masters, or should I go to another state, where the cost of living is less, such as AL or stay here in Florida. The schools here are expensive, and accreditation is mediocre. The state colleges such as University of Central Florida do not allow for working while studying. What to do? Any wise advice?

Hellooooo Please if you have any knowledge about this....?

I would like to know if hypnosis works? I have a very hard time getting motivated and someone told me about some Doctors who hypnotize for success and that it really works!!!! BUT! Since we are not talking of free or even cheap here, I would like to know if anybody is familiar with this subject and if it really works.. Thank you

Alternative rock, emo, pop punk ish music suggestions?

i'm trying to get into more music, but have no idea where to start, my top music is: my chemical romance, panic at the disco, 30 seconds to mars, paramore, linkin park, billy talent, metallica, muse, florence and the machine, foo fighters, and i'm also open to some japanese stuff, e.g. kanon please! thank yoou :)

Which is good conductor of electricty vegtable or fruit?

Fruits like lemon and oranges contain citrus acid which is a reasonably good conductor of electricity.

Wife lied to a judge to take temp custody away from me?

im a retired military due to ptsd an deg athritis in spine hips an back. me an my wife seperated she went back home to louisiana i was stationed in washington state. up till the time i got out i was sending money for child support an told my wife when i got out i was gonna get my daughter for a few months seeings how i couldnt see her for a whole year she agreed. when io got out iu moved to arkansas first thing i did was drive to louisiana to get her i get down therte my wife tells me no that she has to stay in daycare that i cant leave any where. i had her for a litle over a week an returned home to arkansas. i went back down few weeks later went picked up my duaghter asked my wife agin can i bring her she said no she didnt care if it was court ordered shed never let me bring her. at this time i realized that she wasnt gonna respect my rights as a father went to the police station an asked what could my wife do if i brought my daughter back to arkansas for a while they said since we where still married that she couldnt do nothing after finding this out i texted my wife with the officers badge num an name that i was bringing my duaghhter back to arkansas for a while she called me a few vulgar names an said okay that i could . i drove home with my duaghter hired a lawyer to start the divorce paper work an custody i wanted my rights as a father locked on paper work cause my wife consitantly dinied my right as a father an refused to tell me where my daughter lived. i was with my wife for a while she is a nasty individual numerous times id come home dirty diapers clothes an ashtrays everywhere.i have friends stationed in washington that actual came to my house an clean it trying to help our marriage. an seen how unsanitary she is after 3 weeks wife said hey im coming to get her and i asked her if she could stay longer she said no i went to my lawyer told him she was comming he put in for a restraining order to keep my daughter from leaving ashley county an she got the paper work on it. she turned around got a lawyer in louisiana an told them that i without any warning an without her knowing took my daughter to arkansas that i was dishonarble discharged from the military due to mentalunstability that my younger brother that lives in my house was a convicted offender that in a years time only came to see my daughter twice not mentioning that i was stationed litiarly on the oppisit side of the united states im retired not discharged my brother has never been charged with anything muchless child molestation an he is 16 by the way an i have all our text an emails where she would tell me yea i can take her then her say no an when i got legal advice she agreed to let me bring my daughter to arkansas she lied to get temp custody of my daughter an i have actual doented proof on all of it. i cant afford to get a attorney down in louisiana cause i hired a lawyer in arkansas to do the divorce an custody already i have ptsd an this is killing me menatly an emotionaly severly what can i do what should i do can i have her thrown in jail for lieing to a judge using them as a tool to get our duaghter back i have doents on everything she lied about showing what she told them was a blaten lie not including witnesses but i do have witnesses too. im freaking from anxiety im lost 15 pounds in the last 2 weeks an only way i sleep is if i take my sleeping meds what should i do i have to be in new orleans on april 9th please someone help me an guide me in the right path what can i do what should i do

Rephrase sore throat help?

No. Marshmallow sweets are made with sugar and gelatin. They have no connection with the herb marshmallow that this article talks about.

Guys; Scene girls or preppy girls?

Preppy, i hate that 'scene' thing why do they exaggerate it so much .. OTT! some of them are soo hot but ruin their appearance with all that junk

I just recently caught a Northern Alligator Lizard and I want to keep it.?

What do I need for it to live and to be happy:)? As in how large of a tank do I need? Thanks in advance:)

How do I get rid of this smell?

I take adder-all for ADHD which has a side effect of smelly body odor. Anyway I live in a college apartment (its kind of like a dorm but the size of your average apartment with bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom). Anyway both my room mates left mid semester one because of graduation and the other because he was only in this apartment temporarily to begin with. So I started sleeping on the couch in the living room. For whatever reason I can't sleep to good on beds and often times stay up all night with insomnia but I sleep like a baby on the couch even if I have a lot of energy. So I started sleeping on the couch, no brainer. The thing is the couch doesn't have a protective covering from sweat and other bodily fluids do like the beds (which are like softer versions of hospital beds). So the couch is starting to smell like well... me. Before I move out I wanna clean it because it will be embarring. How do I do this?

Please answer...I really need the straight-up, blunt, f-in truth. What is the quality of these two poems?

I quite liked the first part, it was a little ambiguous, had to consider what it was you were thinking, second part was more direct and not in keeping but I still quiet liked it in its own right.

Prayers Have Been Answered!?

So, after 53 LONG months of TTC my husband talked me into buying a HPT earlier this evening and low and behold I peed on the stick and before I could even set it down it was a BFP :D Now my only concern is could it have been a false positive?

What is a diffrnce btwn office software & system software?dont u chose sys software and Word comes with it?

thought once u chose sys software stuff like word, excell and the rest willcome with it? please, help.

Does ROWDY PIPER deserve more credit for HULKAMANIA in the 80's?

Yep i think he does really.Hot Rod was the heel of the 80's and Hogan's biggest rival.Hulk may have been the babyface fans favorite, but Piper had some amazing feuds and matches with the likes of Jimmy Snuka, Cowboy Bob Orton, Paul Orndorff and Adrian Adonis.He had the mic skills to cut some excellent promos and in-ring segments.Without his Piper's Pit, there would be no Cutting Edge, Highlight Reel or Carlito's Cabana today.A wrestling genius.

Question for kickboxing experts?

Im turning 27 this month. Is it too late for me to become a competitive fighter. How long would it take with the right attitude, motivation and self belief for a complete beginner to achieve this level of fighting skill. I am already physically fit and am taking up the sport regardless in April. I would especially like to hear from anyone who was in a similar cirstance. Thank you

Should i I/M him first?

there's this guy who likes me and who i like a lot, and he always IMs me first. I said brb to him before and my computer died, and i'm on now (which is like 2 hours later..) and he's online. Should I I/M him first or is that being too clingy?

Do we as Christians feel somewhat unwelcome in the world?

I apologize, this isn't really a question but more of an encouragement in the form of a verse, anyone feel free to elaborate. If R&S or the world in general has gotten anyone a little down today think about Luke 6:26 (NLT): "Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets." Straight forward enough, right? The reason this verse really struck a chord with me is because it told me I must be doing something right. Of course if you speak without respect or out of hate and bigotry everyone's going to hate you; because you're a jerk. But if you've been sharing the good news in a respectful manner, with kindness and love yet still the world rejects you, take heart. That is all, God bless.

Will you vote for Noynoy & Mar in the coming 2010 election?

Is there gonna be an election? C'mon c'mon c'mon dude. Let's fix this problem first and then after that we can discuss this whole election thing. Ondoy has taken away so many lives of people, destroyed so many homes and there you are talking about the election. Tsk tsk tsk. Just what are you thinking? C'mon c'mon c'mon! Hahah!

How to breed Silver Tip Tetra?

I have 3 Silver Tip Tetras don't know if they are males, females, or mixed. I know pretty much the tank set-up to breed this type of fishes, but what I really want to know is that, will it be possible to add a Zera Danio with them in the breeding tank for some sort of cross breeding?

'no strings attached' with ex? good idea?

If you are ok with this arrangement, then go for it. If you want to get back together, tell her and try to do that. When you sleep with someone, especially as a woman, it releases oxytocin which binds you to the person. So you probably won't haf succes moving on in this arrangement.

What non-physical qualities would your ideal mate have?

I asked this before but didn't get any bites. Likes/dislikes, religiosity, political affiliation, taste in literature/movies/video games, social habits, ticks, phobias, whatever is important to you. Best answer should be very detailed. C'mon, surely you want more than just a pretty/handsome face!

What would a picture be called when the camera is stationary but it shows the person moving (frame by frame)?

A lot of snowboarders and skateboarders and bikers use this a lot and I can't think of the name, any help? Also, how do I make these?

Three guys? realllly confused?!?!?

okay, so i just broke up with my boyfriend yesterday but he is still like really in love with me and i want to go back out with him too but i dont want to get hurt, because he has hurt me alot of times before. we ahve gotten in trouble two or three times for PDA at school. then this guy ive known since fifth grade really likes me too! i feel horrible because he wrote me a note saying "do you like me? if you do, will you go out with me?" i said "i dont like you like that. ive known you for so long i think it would be kind of weird. i think we should just stay friends for now. sorry." then my really good guy friend likes me! he's best friends with my ex thats in love with me and i still like him. my guy friend gets his heartborken by girls all the time. now i feel horrible about it all because im gonna edn up breaking eddie's[second guy] and garet's [third guy] hearts because i love joe[first guy]. i dont wanna lose any friendships. what do i do?

Eli or Jay Cutler this week?

Eli Manning against the Redskins or Jay Cutler against the Lions? I have Kevin Boss as TE (Vernon Davis on Bench), Manningham and Andre Johnson as receiver, Jammal Charles and Mike Goodson as RB, Steelers D (Rams D on Bench) and Mason Crosby as Kicker ( Tynes on Bench). Do you guys recommend starting percy harvin or fred jackson as flex? or maybe even starting jackson over goodson and leaving harvin in?...what do yall think?

Has dry food been added to the pet food recall just now?

I just heard something on CNN. They said that dry food could be potentially tainted as well. And it's not rat poison but a chemical used to make plastics. I want to know how the heck that ended up in pet food but I guess we'll never know. I feed my puppies both Nutro and Science Diet but hard food, should I worry? Should I have blood work done on them?

Where can i get cute mocins?

i like the ugg australia ones, but they are pretty expensive...anywhere else i can get them? links please :) thanks

Fantasy Football Lineup Advice?

Looks good. Why the heck do you have three tight ends and two kickers. Get a better D than the colts.

How do you explain away stains on towels?

I laid out a towel on a folding table last night to have a place to set our hot dishes of food at the potluck. I wasn't eating anything as I am on a juice fast right now. Either way, the towel had a skid mark on it. I didn't see it before and I had just washed the towel. It was a white towel and the skid mark stood out. It definitely has to be my b/f because I always wash real good in that area, really lathering up and stuff to wash it out. Okay, to make a long story short, I said I dried off my car after I drove through a mud puddle. Either way, I don't think anyone believed me. I am going to be more careful in the future, but if it ever happends again, what can I say that will explain the mark? You have no idea how I felt when people saw that. I felt very humiliated.

Just had a conversation with my friend about her husband abusing her, she is pregnant what should I say or do?

Tell her to get out before he takes a gun and puts it to her head or her child's head, or puts her in the hospital with bruises to the brain, etc... like my ex did. It started out the same way hers is going. I finally left when I realized that he would actually kill my child to get to me. Tell her to get out now while she can still walk.

Rhys Wakefield should play Peeta in The Hunger Games?

Josh Hutcherson is going to play Peeta in The Hunger Games. Truly, I think Rhys Wakefield should play him.,r:3,s:0&tx=67&ty=60

Help me with this problem!Please!any people can give their opinion!?

ok,i'm a muslim girl and malaysian.i love to wear baju kurung wit matching scarf,the traditional malay cloth bcoz they cover the whole body.u know muslims cant show their aurat to other rite!some people say dat im too conservative.i felt like,oh cmon.even im not showing my body part or wear revealing cloth,doesnt mean im least,my body is fair n have no pimples like some girls do have at their backs!euww!n i have beautiful black wavy hair,but i keep it in my scarf.not showing to other,xcept for my husband n family.da problem is,why people think dat,when i follow the rules made by islam,specially in clothing,they think dat it's cnservative?cmon,rules made by islam are for people goodness too.sometimes i wanna cry when i think bout this,, :(

How can Christians and Muslims learn to fully respect one another?

For Christians, Jesus is the center of their spiritual experience, the heart of their devotion, the fulness of the Godhead bodily. For Muslims, God does not beget nor is he begotten. Christian monotheism is more complex and philosophical. Muslim monotheism is simple and absolute. Neither Christian nor Muslim who is devoted to his faith is going to change his devotion. So how do we live with mutual respect without condemnation and suspicion of one another? How do we not just "tolerate" each other, but appreciate each other's faith and traditions?

Why would cons vote for an old liberal like Rudy Giuliani?

The Republicans elected a liberal in 2000; why not again in 2008? Things have gone great under this president.

Why does everyone think being friends with a married man is playing with fire?

Why is he calling you from a pay phone? Is he hiding you from his wife? If he is, then yes you are playing with fire. You already admitted that you like him - that's not good because you are putting yourself in a vunerable position. I would cut ties with this guy; sounds like it will only end up in heartache in the long run. Find someone else to date that isn't married...he can't be much of a best friend if his wife doesn't even know about you...

Do evangelical Christians ever stop to wonder if Biblical Literalism is overly-simplistic?

"When I was a child, I thought as a child." I mean, really; at some point, don't we have to grow up? Not just emotionally but intellectually, also?

How did this happen + wrestling question ?

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