Monday, August 15, 2011

What does this dream mean spiritually?

Ok so I had a dream and in this dream I was walking down a woods path (kind of like a nature trail) and I came across a row of houses (without electricity) and in the first one on the left (looked like a cross one story cabin and a modern urban house) In the dream I had the idea that I was in search of my mom who had run away to this place and I went to the door and met her she told me she was eating some grains and special diet for three months because she was experiencing what Jesus experienced and she was not allowed for another month to enter modern society (at the top of the hill was an urban neighborhood) because she wanted to experience what Jesus experienced and that the "world" would not understand. I sensed a sadness and desperation in her voice. In my dream I felt like she had totally been lost and suckered in and in my dream I felt that Jesus existed but was evil (I don't believe in Jesus nor is my mom like this in real life though she is Christian) and was leading her to damnation but there was nothing I could do. So I turned back up the hill and looked back down from the "real world" where some other god (or gods was not sure in the dream) was being worshiped by many from what I sensed in my dream that was good.

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