Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why is Obama is spending 150 million dollars on his "party" today?

I just found this out. 150 million dollars of YOUR taxpayer money is going to fund this 1 day party. The worlds most expensive party ever held. Is this the "Change" we are getting? The economy is in the toilet, millions of people have lost their homes and Obama is spending 150 million dollars for his inauguration party. I mean just a few years ago democrats were complaining about Bush's 40 million dollar inauguration party and they havent said 1 word about this money being spent. I mean...he hasnt even done anything yet and he is spending 150 million of OUR hard earned taxpayer dollars on a party thats going to leave a huge carbon footprint. I mean, wouldnt it be better if he was in office for 4 years, see if he does a good job, THEN throw him a party if he did well. Can you imagine any other job where the day you start work, the whole company shuts down to throw you the most expensive party the world has ever known? There are none! Its riduculous. How much of that money could have been used to feed the poor? Couldnt he have had a 50 million dollar party and fed 10s of millions of poor in other countries? NOPE...he had to go get himself a bunch of celebrities to sing and dance for him on his first day of work. He had to buy streamers and noise makers so you people could feel good about yourselves. Is this the "Change" we needed?

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