Monday, August 8, 2011

Help me with this problem!Please!any people can give their opinion!?

ok,i'm a muslim girl and malaysian.i love to wear baju kurung wit matching scarf,the traditional malay cloth bcoz they cover the whole body.u know muslims cant show their aurat to other rite!some people say dat im too conservative.i felt like,oh cmon.even im not showing my body part or wear revealing cloth,doesnt mean im least,my body is fair n have no pimples like some girls do have at their backs!euww!n i have beautiful black wavy hair,but i keep it in my scarf.not showing to other,xcept for my husband n family.da problem is,why people think dat,when i follow the rules made by islam,specially in clothing,they think dat it's cnservative?cmon,rules made by islam are for people goodness too.sometimes i wanna cry when i think bout this,, :(

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