Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm so confused.. i need help.. i wanna cry!?

Second time asking! What can I do im stuck!? I have a choice to go to 2 schools the first school is the one ive been in al my life for the past 7 years. I'm going to be in 8th grade this year. the second school is a new school. I don't know what school to choose because the first school all my friends are moving so I don't have anyone to hang around with. And I have a REALLY REALLY DIFFUCULT time making friends. Yeah alot of people may say this my I TRUELY HAVE A DIFFUCULT time. I don't want to make friends in the first school the one I've been in for 7 years because everyone i a shittalker and a *****. And i'mn afraid of being a new kid! i'm afraid no one will like me because everyone thinks im a ***** and I don't know why and i'm afraid I won't make new friends at the new school. And in the old school i don't want to be lonely and by myself all the time. My siblings say its just the last year and to hang on but it is really diffucult sitting by yourself at lunch and recess and in every cl. I want the last year to be a good year! I need HELP i really don't know what to do. Also there is no school clubs everyone is pratically on their own. I hope you guys aren't confused by my question. Please give me your opinion! It will be really nice =) THANKS SO MUCH! <3

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